


(2020年4月9日追記 例文追加)







Scientists often ask me why philosophers devote to so much of their effort to
teaching and learning the history of their field. Chemists typically get by with only
a rudimentary knowledge of the history of chemistry, picked up along the way,
and many molecular biologists, it seems, are not even curious about what
happened in biology before 1950. My answer is that the history of philosophy is in
large measure the history of very smart people making very tempting mistakes,
and if you don’t know the history, you are doomed to making the same mistakes
all over again. That’s why we teach the history of the field to our students, and
scientists who cheerfully ignore philosophy do so at their own risk. There is no
such thing as philosophy-free science, just science that has been conducted
without any consideration of its underlying assumptions.

出典はDaniel Denettの Intuition pumps and other tools for thinking







下線部までで注目すべきなのは"the history of very smart people making very tempting mistakes"くらいでしょうか.ofの目的語は文法的に1. "very smart people"という名詞 ,2. makingという動名詞の2種類がありえます.

1. の場合は"the history of very smart people who make(have made) very tempting mistakes,"

2.の場合は "very smart people"が意味上の主語となり,"the history in which very smart people make(have made) very tempting mistakes"と言い換えられます.

ここでは過去に間違いを犯してきた人々ではなく,二度と同じ間違いを繰り返さないようにするため,「過去の哲学者がどのような間違いを起こしてきたか」に重点があるため,ofの目的語を2. 動名詞と捉えるべきでしょう.





下線部後半に移ります."philosophy-free science"の-freeはアルコールフリーやラテックスフリーに見られるように今やカタカナ英語化していますが,哲学のない科学・哲学の影響を免れた科学を指します.


 "There is no such thing as philosophy-free science, "(哲学のない科学などというものはない)

"just science that has been conducted without any consideration of its underlying assumptions. "(just + 科学の背景にある仮定を顧慮せずに進められてきた科学)


"no such thing as philosophy-free scienceとjust science ..."の関係はなんでしょうか.間にコンマがあることから,複数の予備校が同格関係と捉えました

つまり,"philosophy-free science= science that has been ...."と捉えたわけです.しかし,「科学の背景にある仮定を顧慮せずに進められてきた科学はない」ということになってしまいます.実は,すべての科学者は科学の哲学的背景について考えていたのでしょうか.哲学史教育に疑問を抱く科学者や,能天気に哲学を無視して研究する科学者の話はなんだったのでしょうか.



文脈に合わない場合は文法的な解釈を修正する必要があります.結論からいうと,ここでは"There is no such thing as X, but (there is) just Y." 「Xというものはない,ただYというものがあるだけだ」という構文で,butが省略された形なのです.




asyndeton(接続詞省略)あるいはasyndetonic coordination(接続詞省略の等位関係)という現象があります.



"...that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty." John F. Kennedy Inaugural Address, 20 January 1961.


A parson or what looked like one was laboring over the crest of the hill and coming toward them with one hand raised in blessing, greeting, fending flies. He was dressed in a dusty frockcoat and carried a walking stick and he wore a pair of octagonal glasses on the one pane of which the late sun shone while a watery eye peered from the naked wire aperture of the other." (Cormac McCarthyOuter Dark, 1968)




今回の "there is no such ... , but just ..."や"not ... but ..."(以下の田中論文参照)のようにnot とbutの結びつきが強い定型表現では省略しても復元しやすいからか,時にbutのasyndetonが見られるようです.


The boy didn't have his hand raised to thumb the ride, he was only
standing there. F. O'Corner, ‘The Life You Save May Be Your Own




筆者はこの問題の解答が割れているということをMr. Big先生(北村一真先生)のツイートで初めて知りました.当時は英語に触れる量が少なく,文法的知識にも乏しく,北村先生の評は厳しすぎると思っていました.








However, it clearly cannot be the case that all aspects of the grammar of languages are universal; if this were so, all natural languages would have the same grammar and there would be no grammatical learning involved in language acquisition (i.e. no need for children to learn anything about the grammar of the language they are acquiring), only lexical learning (learning the lexical items/words in the language and their idiosyncratic linguistic properties, e.g. whether a given item has an irregular plural or past tense form).

Analyzing English Sentences second edition by Radford



たまたま読んだ以下の記事にも同様の構文(no ... but onlyでのbutの省略)が登場したため紹介します.割とありふれた構文だということですね.


We should abandon attempts to save the category of race. There is no good way to make sense of the category from a biological or a social perspective. There are no races, only groups misunderstood as races: racialised groups.

Racism is real, race is not: a philosopher’s perspective by Adam Hochman
