

小ネタ enough so that構文とは


Unlocking Classes had certain requirements. They weren’t always things you had to accomplish, at least for basic Classes — losing your parents at a young enough age could get you the Orphan Class. In spite of the humble-sounding name, it’s one of the strongest Classes to start with. Enough so that some people might take extreme steps to try to earn it.

(How to beat the demon king in 10 easy steps Andrew Rowe)





アンドリュー・ロウ著『10ステップでかんたん!魔王の倒しかた』作品解説(1) / 翻訳者 長谷川珈のブログ(Kou Hasegawa/niconicoffee)


上記引用分の"enough so that"の機能が分かるでしょうか。



◼️enough (so) that構文とは

enough that 構文をご存知でしょうか。

"so that"構文、または"so 形容詞・副詞 that"構文は有名です。

また、"enough to do"や"形容詞・副詞 enough to do"も学校で学ぶことが多いと思います。


一方で、enough thatについては習わなかった方も多いかもしれません。

"形容詞・副詞 enough+that節"が基本の形です。基本的に"enough to do"構文と同じように、結果や程度を表すthat節を伴います。

"◯◯ enough that ××" は「××するのに充分なだけ、◯◯」という意味を表します。


Our favourite reader comments will be published throughout, and if you haven't yet had time to pick up a copy don't fear, the book is short enough that you can't fall too far behind. 

(Summer book club: Capitalism and Freedom from The Economist)



enough単体で「充分だ」という形容詞や副詞、名詞の役割をするときには"enough + that節"が使われます。

High immigration, both a cause and consequence of growth, bothered many Britons enough that they voted for Brexit.

(Britain’s government says it wants an economic boom from TheEconomist)



"enough of a 名詞+that節"やenough 名詞+that節もあります。

Until relatively recently the monarchs of this sceptred isle specialised in untimely and often unseemly deaths, with one allegedly stabbed on the toilet and another through the eye; a third was dispatched by an (again allegedly) importunate poker. Not kicking the bucket was enough of a feat that English monarchs used to hold annual festivals to commemorate their accession.

(Britain celebrates a jubilee, again from TheEconomist)



I've got enough money that I could stop taking painkillers. 
(texts An introduction to American English by Tottie, Gunnel, 1937-)

Enough+that節 から文が始まることもあります。

All these factors could be dealt with, of course. Enough that they should be taken into account in the finalized plan.


上記例文のEnough thatは、前文と繋がっていると考えると、"All these factors could be dealt with enough that ...."となります。


Max is a gentleman. The calmest of the bunch, never out of control. And handsome. Enough that he could have gone to Hollywood, but our mother said, “No son of mine is gonna get into that bummy life.”

(Artie Gottlieb, Consulting Philosopher by Stephen Schottenfeld COCA)


Enough は単独でhandsomeの程度を表しています。


実は、この構文ではenoughとthat節の間にsoが入り、"enough so that"となるものも多いことが知られています。岡田伸夫先生の記事が詳しいので、特に2番目の記事をご参照ください。


"He is old enough to go to school."と "He is so old that he can go to school."は同じ意味か? | A Little Grammar Goes a Long Way | 英語研究教室 | 美誠社(英語教育図書出版)


enough (so) that構文について | 英文法Q&A | 英語研究教室 | 美誠社(英語教育図書出版)


上記記事では、"enough"と"so that"構文が同時に使われているという説明になっており、例文も"(形容詞・副詞) enough+ so that構文"で説明できます。


"enough (so) that"が"so ... that"構文のように使われることを知っていれば、ひとまず十分です。




◼️enough so that 構文の例

通常のenough so that構文では"(adjective/adverb) enough+so that構文"と考えられます。

An examination which is to be fair to all must be difficult enough so that no student gets a perfect score and easy enough so that no student gets a zero.

(MIT (1968) You And Your Students, American Society for Engineering Education, Washington, D.C. )

easy enough + so that構文


enough が単体で副詞または名詞の役割をしている場合は、enough + so that構文の蓋然性が高いと考えます。



I've learned over the years that even this sphere requires a commitment of time and energy enough so that a hobby, a sport, a love of music, or art, or literature, or any form of recreation, can provide true pleasure, relaxation and replenishment.

Doris Kearns Goodwin: Lessons from past presidents | TED Talk


音声を聞くとenough で区切っているのでenough(副詞) + so that構文です。


If there's an order given, the soldiers will do what they are told. Maybe not all of them, but enough so that a lot of people could die. 

(Washington Post COCA)

enough ( of them) + so that構文




ちなみに、Not all of them but enough so that ... 「(前文の内容について)全員に当てはまるわけではないが、...であるのには充分なほどの人たちに当てはまる」





Unlocking Classes had certain requirements. They weren’t always things you had to accomplish, at least for basic Classes — losing your parents at a young enough age could get you the Orphan Class. In spite of the humble-sounding name, it’s one of the strongest Classes to start with. Enough so that some people might take extreme steps to try to earn it.



この英文で特殊なところは、Enough so thatが文頭にあることですが、前文と繋がっているので特に問題はありません。

結論から言うと、今回は"Enough so+ that節"、つまり"enough that節構文に、前文の一部を代用する代用形のsoが合体した形だと思われます。

実際、元となったAudibleの朗読でもenough soで区切り、that節を続けています。 あくまでも私の感覚ですが、このsoはstrongの代わりだと考えるとしっくりきます(enough so= strong enough)。







前文の一部を代用する代用形の soの用例を紹介します。

But even soon after the attacks it was already clear that while Europeans would go along with an assault on Afghanistan, they were sceptical about taking on Iraq. This remains so, both among elites and among the public
( https://www.economist.com/europe/2002/08/08/you-can-be-warriors-or-wimps-or-so-say-the-americans You can be warriors or wimps; or so say the Americans from TheEconomist)


Is the middle of a global pandemic of covid-19, a respiratory illness, a sensible time for America to roll back air-pollution regulations? The White House seems to think so.
(https://www.economist.com/united-states/2020/04/25/think-a-respiratory-virus-pandemic-is-a-good-time-to-cut-air-quality-regulations Think a respiratory virus pandemic is a good time to cut air-quality regulations? from TheEconomist)



Norbert Corverの論文によると、代用形のso (pro-form so)は、形容詞句全体だけでなく一部を代用することもできます。イタリック体になっている部分がsoで置き換えられています。代用形のsoを程度副詞(evenやenough、lessなど)が修飾していることにも注目してください。


Evidence for an underlying QP within the adjectival system comes from so-pronominalization in English. As is well known, the pro-form so can replace the entire adjective phrase.


a. John seems fond of Mary, and Bill seems so too,
b. John seems too tall to serve on a submarine, and Bill seems so too.


so can also replace part of the adjective phrase.


a. john is fond of mary. bill seems [much less so].

b. of all the careless people, no one is [more so than bill].

c. john is good at mathematics. he seems [enough so to enter our graduate program].

d. the police searched the big room carefully, but the small room [less so].

(much-support as a last resort by norbert corver)


副詞がso を修飾する"even more so"や"very much so"もよく見る形です。


By 2011 that had climbed to more than half. Changes to the tax code in 1986 had made this structure more attractive to owners. The White House plan will make it even more so. 

 (https://www.economist.com/free-exchange/2017/04/25/reducing-rates-for-pass-through-businesses-will-be-tough-to-justify Reducing rates for “pass-through” businesses will be tough to justify from TheEconomist)


What principles, exactly? Some of the ideas laid out are not contentious, others very much so. 

(https://www.economist.com/erasmus/2013/07/03/a-religious-policy-by-stealth A religious policy by stealth from TheEconomist)

冒頭の英文でもone of the strongest のstrong(est)をsoで代用したと考えて良いと思います。また、enoughが代用形のsoを修飾していると考えてなんら問題はありません。


◼️enough to do構文

enough to do 構文が代用形のsoと合体していると思われる用例があります。

So it seems like those catnip compounds are chemically similar to feline social odors —— enough so to fool cats'noses, at least.

(How Wild Animals Can Actually Get High 9:55頃  https://youtu.be/0h_PjnhSvd4)


enough soで一旦ピッチが下がっており、enough so+ to不定詞だと分かります。 意味的にはenough to do構文に代用形の so(= chemically similar to feline social odors)が合体していると思われます。


That is a real shame, as the idea of a film set in the world of film is a great idea, enough so to warrant a new and improved remake " Howard The Duck " .
(TOP 10 Movies that need to be remade : AztecPressOnline  COCA)


enough to do構文に代用形の so(=great)が合体しています。

(前文の述語のgreat ideaを指していると考えることもできます。記事末尾の追記参照)


◼️ enough so that 色々

The seal population in Canada is healthy – enough so that the Canadians are increasing the numbers they cull.
(https://www.economist.com/international/2010/04/13/not-so-thrilled-by-the-hunt Not so thrilled by the hunt from TheEconomist)


意味的にsoがhealthyを代用し、enough that節+代用形のsoであると考えられます。


The crux culminated in a karate kick with my left foot over to the inside of an adjacent corner, a maneuver that required a high degree of precision and flexibility, enough so that I'd been doing a nightly stretching routine for a full year ahead of time to make sure that I could comfortably make the reach with my leg.

Alex Honnold: How I climbed a 3,000-foot vertical cliff -- without ropes | TED Talk


enough that節+代用形のso

音声を聞くとenough soで区切り、 that ...と続けています。

つまり、enoughとso that構文の組み合わせというより、soが"high"を代用していると考えます。


Youtubeの動画で"but enough so that"を検索すると、enoughで一旦区切ってso that ...に繋げる文が多いので、実際は"enough+ so that"の用例が多いと思われます。


IN THE ten years I've lived in New York I forgot how to drive. Lately I've been spending lots of time in Austin, Texas. Enough so that I've had to start driving again. When you go many years without driving, it becomes terrifying. 

(https://www.economist.com/free-exchange/2010/06/16/texas-here-we-come Texas, here we come from TheEconomist)


音声がないのでEnough that +代用形のsoなのか、enough+ so that構文なのか分かりません。enough = enough timeと考えると enough + so that構文でしょうか。


Okay, fine. But do you know what this reunion show means to us? Syndication, foreign. We're talking a lot of money here. Enough so you'll never need to worry about college.

Beverly Hills Chuckie's back


Talk business(商談をする)と同様に、talkがa lot of moneyを目的語にとっているので、Enough(=enough money) +so (that)構文です。




実際は、enough thatの用例として紹介した"And Handsome. Enough that ..."のように、enoughが単独で既出の形容詞句や副詞句、名詞句の程度を表している場合もあります。





Francis CornishのAnaphoric relations in English and Frenchには以下の説明があります。


The predicate anaphor so may be anaphoric to adjective phrases, prepositional phrases, predicate nominals, head-noun groups (i.e. N̄'s), as well as to sentences and clauses, so long as the latter are construed predicatively. 


Soが述部の「形容詞及び名詞(wealthy county)」、または「形容詞(wealthy)」を指していると考えられる例が紹介されています。


(22) "...Kent is a wealthy county and has been so all through history" (Kent, by P. Hughes, Shellmex & BP, 1969, p.9).

Here, the 'antecedent' may be the entire predicate of the first conjunct ('λ(x)(Wealthy county,x)'), or (perhaps more saliently) the predicate corresponding to its attributive adjective ('λ(x)(Wealthy,x)'). Syntactically, the antecedent-triggers of the occurrences of so in (21)and (22) are Ā and NP (or A), respectively.