

as as構文のrhetoricalな用法とliteralな用法(偽クジラ構文)

 COVID-19の流行,世界的なlockdownやsocial distancingの広まりを受け,カミュのペストやデフォーのペストの記憶が再注目されているようです.



確かに元の翻訳は読みづらいのですが,Q Higuchiさんやbuveryさんのツイートの方が原文の意図を正確に伝えていないのではないかと思い記事を書かせていただきました.


■結論① as as 構文は後半に極端な例を出すことで,否定的な意味を表すことができる.

■結論② デフォーの原文は結論①で記述したタイプの文ではない.






Q Higuchiさんの批判は文章の読みにくさに主眼があるようですが,「けど」という言葉からreasonableという表現について否定的なニュアンスが読み取れます.



 "A is as X as B"という表現はAがXである度合がBと同程度であるということですから,Bに明らかにXでない例を持ち出すことで,言外にAもXではないということができます.





New discoveries may conceivably lead to dramatic, even 'revolutionary' shifts in the Darwinian theory, but the hope that it will be 'refuted' by some shattering breakthrough is about as reasonable as the hope that we will return to a geocentric vision and discard Copernicus.”

Darwin's dangerous idea by Daniel Dennett




A. ダーウィンの理論(進化論)が強烈なブレイクスルーによって論駁される見込み


B. コペルニクス(地動説)を放棄して天動説に戻るという見込み


まずはBについて検討してみましょう.地動説は科学的な仮説であるという点では反駁される余地があるものの,現実的に考えてどんなブレイクスルーが来ても天動説が正しいと証明される可能性は低そうです.したがって,Bという明らかにunreasonableな例と同じくらいAはreasonable("A is as reaonble as B")だと述べることで,逆説的にAもBと同様 にunreasonableだという含意を表現できます.




"as as"構文,特に"as reasonable as"という表現は,rhetoricalにunreasonableな含意を表現できるということは念頭においてよいでしょう.

しかし,いわゆるクジラ構文(no more than構文)が複数の解釈を持つのと同様,この構文においても,文字面通りの意味なのか,rhetoricalに特別な意味合いを持っているのかは個別具体的に見なくてはなりません.





  For example, in the latter part of this work called the Vision, I begin thus: “ When I was in my island- kingdom I had abundance of strange notions of my seeing apparitions,” &c. All these reflections are just history of a state of forced confinement, which in my real
history is represented by a confined retreat in an island; and it is as reasonable to represent one kind of imprisonment by another, as it is to represent anything that really exists by that which exists not. 

出典はSerious Reflections During the Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe: With his Vision of the Angelick World by Daniel Defoeの序文です.





このエッセイでは,Robinson Crusoeアレゴリー(寓話)だ,荒唐無稽だというCharles Gildonらの批判を念頭に,以下のように述べています.

The famous “History of Don Quixote,” a work which thousands read with pleasure, to one that knows the meaning of it, was an emblematic history of, and a just satire upon, the Duke de Medina Sidonia, a person very remarkable at that time in Spain. To those who knew the original, the figures were lively and easily discovered themselves, as they are also here, and the images were just; and therefore, when a malicious but foolish writer, in the abundance of his gall, spoke of the quixotism of R. Crusoe, as he called it, he showed, evidently, that he knew nothing of what he said; and perhaps will be a little startled when I shall tell him that what he meant for a satire was the greatest of panegyrics.



In like manner, when in these reflections I speak of the times and circumstances of  articular actions done, or incidents which happened, in my solitude and island-life,
an impartial reader will be so just to take it as it is, viz., that it is spoken or intended of that part of the real story which the island-life is a just allusion to; and in this the story is not only illustrated, but the real part I think most justly approved.




したがって,私は"as reasonable as"を文字通りの意味で解釈する方が適切だと思います.

"It is as reasonable to represent one kind of imprisonment by another as it is to represent anything which really exists by that which exists not."




