





🍩🍩Akko🍩🍩 (@Akko1454) | Twitter




When we assume that a woman is not equipped to lead the meeting or the company or the country, or that a person of color or an immigrant could not be the one in authority, is not a resident of a certain community, could not have attended a particular school or deserved to have attended a particular school, when we feel a pang of shock and resentment, a personal wounding and sense of unfairness and perhaps even shame at our discomfort upon seeing someone from a marginalized group in a job or car or house or college or appointment more prestigious than we have been led to expect, when we assume that the senior citizen should be playing Parcheesi rather than developing software, we are reflecting the efficient encoding of caste, the subconscious recognition that the person has stepped out of his or her assumed place in our society.

Caste (2020) by Isabel Wilkerson 


America’s Enduring Caste System - The New York Times






















時・条件を表すwhen節が3つと帰結節"we are reflecting ..."から成る文です。
when① when we assume that the woman ...
when② when we feel ...
when③ when we assume that the senior citizen


When we assume
that a woman is not equipped to lead the meeting or the company or the country
, or
that a person of color or an immigrant
could not be the one in authority,
is not a resident of a certain community,
could not have attended a particular school
or deserved to have attended a particular school
(a person of color or an immigrant という主語につながる"could not""is not""could not""deserved"が"A, B, C, or D"で並列)

ここで"could not have attended a particular school"は「特定の(上位カースト向けの)学校出身とされる有色人種や移民の方に対して「そんな学校に行ったはずがない!」と反応することを表しており、"deserved
or deserved to have attended a particular school"はそうした学校出身の有色人種や移民の方に対する「特定の(下位カースト向けの)学校がお似合いだったね!」という反応を指します。
could not have [attended or deserved] ではないことに注意してください。


when we feel
[a pang of shock and resentment,
a personal wounding and sense of unfairness
and perhaps even shame at our discomfort ]
(feelの目的語が3つ並列 at our discomfortは「不快にも」という意味の前置詞句)

upon seeing someone from a marginalized group in a job or car or house or college or appointment more prestigious than we have been led to expect
(jobとcarとhouseとcollegeとappointment が並列で、"a job ... appointment"を"more prestigious than we have been led to expect"が後置修飾しています。than節の表現からは我々の「期待」が誘導されていると分かります)


when we assume that the senior citizen should be playing Parcheesi rather than developing software




we are reflecting the efficient encoding of caste, the subconscious recognition that the person has stepped out of his or her assumed place in our society

主節は直訳すると「(When節のような場合、) 我々は『カースト』の効率的な暗号化を反映している」となります。ここで進行形が使用されているのは、when節の状況について説明する、いわゆる「『行為解説』の進行形』だからです。下のブログ記事が参考になります。



the subconscious recognition that the person has stepped out of his or her assumed place in our society
この部分は、「when節で言及されたような方々は社会的な分際を越えた」という認識を指します。いわゆる同格ですが、主節全体("we are reflecting ... caste")にかかるのか、"the efficient encoding of caste")にかかるのか難しいところです。ここでは、"the efficient encoding of caste"を"the subconscious recognition ..."が言い換えており、"when節の内容はこれらの認識を我々個々人が反映したものだと捉えます。