

小ネタ enough so that構文とは


Unlocking Classes had certain requirements. They weren’t always things you had to accomplish, at least for basic Classes — losing your parents at a young enough age could get you the Orphan Class. In spite of the humble-sounding name, it’s one of the strongest Classes to start with. Enough so that some people might take extreme steps to try to earn it.

(How to beat the demon king in 10 easy steps Andrew Rowe)





アンドリュー・ロウ著『10ステップでかんたん!魔王の倒しかた』作品解説(1) / 翻訳者 長谷川珈のブログ(Kou Hasegawa/niconicoffee)


上記引用分の"enough so that"の機能が分かるでしょうか。


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京都大学英語 2023 実は割れていた予備校の解答 










The more "stuff" we have to think about and focus on, the less time we are able to devote to each particular thing. 


Not only do philosophers have no agreed-upon definition of consciousness, some think that it can't be defined at all, that you can understand conscious experiences only by having them. Such philosophers see consciousness as Lois Armstrong purportedly saw jazz: if you need to ask what it is, you're never going to know.


The claim that to be conscious is for there to be 'something it is like to be you' can be described in terms of having a 'point of view, or 'perspective'.



(追記 2022年3月2日 大問1 の問2の英文も言及しました。)

As in the number of different issues that form our collective public discourse continues to increase, the amount of time and attention we are able to devote to each one inevitably gets compressed. It isn't that our total engagement with all this information is any less,  but rather that as the information competing for our attention becomes denser our attention gets spread more thinly, with the result that public debate becomes increasingly fragmented and superficial. 


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原文 下線部(b)以降

And this explains, what would otherwise be inexplicable, the surprising fervour and facility with which men wholly incompetent appreciate the evidence for or against Natural Selection have adopted or "refuted" it. Elementary ignorance of Biology has not deterred them from pronouncing very confidently on this question, which involves all the principles of Biology; and biologists with grim scorn have asked whether men would attack an astronomical, physical, or chemical hypothesis with no better equipment. Why not? They feel themselves competent to decide the question from higher grounds. Profoundly convinced of the truth of their general conception of the world, they conclude every hypothesis to be true or false, according as it chimes with, or clashes against, that conception. Starting from this point, each party throws its whole energy into collecting (oftener snatching at rather than collecting) evidence and arguments, flavoured with ridicule and rhetoric, for or against the hypothesis. Only desirous of vindicating a foregone conclusion, they rarely attempt a meditative and dispassionate survey of the evidence.




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"only now" 2022年度京都大学 予備校の解答が割れた?

(2022年5月15日 「否定辞+副詞要素」が節頭に来ても主語と述語の倒置が起こらない用例について追記)




今年の問題はあまり引っかかるところはありませんでしたが、以下の引用文の2段落目が英文和訳となっており、"only now"については引っ掛かりました。


An obvious lesson to draw from this turn of events is: be careful what you wish for. Atmospheric warming, ocean warming, ocean acidification, sea-level rise, deglaciation, desertification, eutrophication – these are just some of the by-products of our species's success. Such is the pace of what is blandly labeled "global change" that there are only a handful of comparable examples in earth's history, the most recent being the asteroid impact that ended the reign of the dinosaurs, sixty-six million years ago. Humans are producing no-analog climates, no-analog ecosystems, a whole no-analog future. At this point it might be prudent to scale back our commitments and reduce our impacts. But there are so many of us – as of this writing nearly eight billion – and we are stepped in so far, return seems impracticable.


And so we face a no-analog predicament. If there is to be an answer to the problem of control, it's going to be more control. Only now what's got to be managed is not a nature that exists – or is imagined to exist – apart from the human. Instead, the new effort begins with a planet remade and spirals back on itself – not so much the control of nature as the control of the control of nature. First you reverse a river. Then you electrify it.



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加筆修正: 薬袋善郎 ミル『自由論』原書精読への序説への疑問① 譲歩節のmight



薬袋善郎 ミル『自由論』原書精読への序説への疑問①  譲歩節のmight


という記事につきまして、修正したことを報告いたします。書籍「ミル『自由論』原書精読への序説」における当初薬袋先生のmightの解釈について私が誤解しており、「薬袋先生の解釈では"whatever precautions might be taken"の内容が、主節(whose節)の文脈と直接関連性を持たない完全な一般論になってしまう」と捉えていました。つまり、薬袋先生の解釈は過去の被支配者と支配者の関係という文脈から完全に離れており、「一般に被支配者が支配者の統治権の濫用に対してどんな予防措置を取ったとしても」であると捉えていました。


薬袋先生に連絡をとったところ、丁寧な返信をいただき、薬袋先生の解釈は「過去の文脈におけるmightは過去という時間(the timed)を含みながら、それを拡張したもの(timeless)」であるとの返信をいただきました。私の記事ではmightも「might have 過去分詞」と同様に、過去の文脈において譲歩節で使用可能という事実を指摘するだけで良いと考えていましたが、薬袋先生とは独立にネイティブとのやりとりを通して「少なくとも現代英語においては、過去の文脈における譲歩節のmightは、『過去の視点からの現在・未来(またはtimeless)の可能性』を表しているのではないか」という仮説を立てていました。id:all_for_nothing様とのやりとりを契機に、私の仮説と薬袋先生の解釈がほぼ一致しているということに気づいたため、記事を加筆修正することとしました。



